
Of Computers, troubles and my Experiments with programming as a beginner.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Stdio.h Header

stdio.h is the most commonly used header file in the C programming languge. It is used with a #define pre-processor compiler directive which is placed before the main() function.
It stands for standard input/output header. It is a part of the standard library and one of the 24 headers recognised in ANSI C. It contains some macro definitions, constants and delaration of functions.
Some of the functions include fclose , fopen , freopen , fdopen, remove , rename , rewind , tmpfile , clearerr , feof , ferror, fflush, fgetc, fgets, fputc, fputs, ftell, fseek, fsetpos, fread, fwrite, getc, getchar, gets, printf, vprintf, fprintf, vfprintf, perror, putc, putchar, fputchar, scanf, vscanf, fscanf, vfscanf, sscanf, vsscanf, setbuf, setvbuf, tmpnam, ungetc, puts.
In addition to the function delarations, it also has member constants and member variables.

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