
Of Computers, troubles and my Experiments with programming as a beginner.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Interested in Linux - Ubuntu vs Fedora

Well, having been a Microsoft Windows user all my life, I have never explored UNIX or LINUX all that much. I have been curious but never felt compelled enough to go through the trouble of installing either or exploring them.
But, now I feel compelled and more than curious. Why ? Here's why:
1) Having worked on a Mac at work/office, I now see that it's not so difficult to move to another operating system. (It is another thing that I don't greatly appreciate the OS X and given a choice would any day still prefer Windows)
2) Having worked on the mac, and having worked on the Terminal on Mac, on which I try out UNIX scripts, I am really interested to get LINUX installed on my computer so I can play around with a few scripts.
3) Vista!! (Yes, one word sums up the frustrations and anger of millions of users world-wide, who have begun wondering if Microsoft has got its head in its arse.)
Now that I am interested in installing LINUX on my machine, I was wondering which one of them (oh, there are so many!!) to install. Finally I narrowed down to Fedora and Ubuntu. While the LINUX community I am sure is still split in opinion as to which is better, me being just a lay user and not a freak, decided that I will decide only on very basic parameters. Like my whim!! :)
So I considered it, and decided on Ubuntu. I am downloading Ubuntu as I write this post. It's amazing how things have changed in the one year in which I have had no access to a PC/Internet. Now, you can download these over torrents :) which is a relief!! because I always hated trying to download 600 MB files and getting stuck at 500 MB!!
I am also downloading Wubi and it sounds pretty cool. I think once I try out Ubuntu and feel that it's worth installing on my machine, I'll go ahead and create a partition and do it. As of now, I am relying on Wubi, which even does that thing of allowing you to choose between Windows and Ubuntu at startup :) (Dual boot)
More on Ubuntu ....later.